We’re excited to announce a new tool you might find useful for working with newspaper titles on The Portal to Texas History!
This tool is a curated title database, which allows you to see how many years, issues, and pages of a serial publication we have available on the Portal.
To access the curated title database, you can go directly to it through the “Explore by” dropdown menu, located beneath the large search box, on the Portal home page. When you choose “Publication Title,” you’ll be taken to a display listing all titles on the Portal.

From the title listing page, if you click on the green “All Curated Titles” box, in the upper, right-hand corner of the screen, you’ll be able to go to the curated title database.

In the example below, you’ll find the listing for the San Antonio Light, a newspaper digitized through the National Digital Newspaper Program, supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities.

The curated titles database is especially useful when you want to see numbers of years available, title changes by year, for example above when the Light removed “The” from its title. The database is also helpful for investigating other serial items on the Portal.