The Digital Newspaper Team is pleased to say farewell to 2014 and welcome 2015 by wishing all our readers a Happy New Year!

For a great article about New Year’s food traditions, see this issue of the Texas Jewish Post, from September 9, 2010.  To see some fun photographs and read about New Year’s traditions from across the world, take a peek at The Denison Press issue from December 14, 1945.  If you could hop into your time machine, you might want to visit Austin for December 31st, 1852, where the South-Western American announced a concert on New Year’s Eve.  But if you’re going to fire up the old time machine, you couldjoin the Bastrop mule race, which got publicity from as far away as Houston, from The Houston Advertiser, on Decmber 31st, 1856.

Mule races, good food, concerts–however you choose to celebrate, we hope you enjoy a great New Year!