We are starting this quick tip series to help you with quick-navigation questions you may have about the UNT Digital Collections. We will talk about two collections in these tips: The Texas Digital Newspaper Program and the UNT Scholarly Works Collection. However, all of the tips we give you will work with any other collection on The Portal to Texas History, the UNT Digital Library, or the Gateway to Oklahoma History.
Texas Digital Newspaper Program
Did you know you can browse the Texas Digital Newspaper Collection (and any collection on The Portal to Texas History, The Gateway to Oklahoma History, or the UNT Digital Library!) by year?
In the left-hand navigation column, different links let you choose different ways to sort collection information, and one is “Dates.”
Challenge: Can you guess why we’d have the 1813 issues of a newspaper published in Washington, D.C., in the Texas Digital Newspaper Program? (Search TDNP for “St. Antonio” to learn more!)
Scholarly Works
For the Scholarly Works quick tips, we welcome Whitney Johnson-Freeman, the UNT Libraries’ Repository Librarian for Scholarly Works. Since graduating with her MLS in 2018, she has found her passion in Open Access and digital preservation. If you ever have questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to her via email: whitney.freeman@unt.edu.
Once you’ve contributed to UNT Scholarly Works, you should share your work! You can link to it in your resume/CV or even in a grant application, or you can embed it in your personal website or ePortfolio. There are no restrictions on sharing our records, so you could also add them to course materials or LibGuides. Our links are also permanent which means you won’t have to worry about errors or dead links in the future.
An easily shareable link and code for embedding an interactive version of the item can be found in the Linking & Embedding option of the Citations, Rights, Re-Use menu on the left side of each record’s page.

And as an added bonus, this all applies to all items in The Portal to Texas History and The Gateway to Oklahoma History too. Our URLs have 2 key components: the base URL, which notes which website you’re in, and the Archival Resource Key (ARK) which is the record’s unique identifier in our system.

If you have any questions about sharing Digital Library records, feel free to email us at untrepository@unt.edu.