Image of a man and woman in a newspaper office. Image courtesy of the UNT Special Collections.

Posted by & filed under Featured, Grants, Hancher Library Foundation Grants, Tocker Foundation Grants.

We would like to congratulate libraries in Texas who have received Fall 2016 grant awards to digitize their historic newspapers.

The Tocker Foundation supports newspaper digitization for communities with populations below 12,000. This autumn, the Tocker Foundation has awarded the following public libraries with funding to make their newspapers freely available on The Portal to Texas History.

Bonham Public Library will digitize The Bonham Daily Favorite, The Bonham Herald, and The Bonham News. This will add to The Bonham Area Newspaper Collection previously digitized for the Fannin County Historical Commission through a Rescuing Texas History award.

Comanche Public Library has received a Tocker Foundation award to make available its county-area newspapers, including the Comanche Chief and the DeLeon Free Press.

McGinley Memorial Library in McGregor received a grant to digitize The McGregor Mirror, a title for which digital preservation is especially crucial because some of its earliest issues (1904-1925) were lost in a fire. The McGregor Mirror newspaper office has worked very closely with the McGinely Memorial Library for this very crucial grant.

Stamford Carnegie Library has been awarded a grant to digitize its Stamford American Newspaper. Many community members, including the publisher, local history lovers, and the newspaper editor worked with the library to prepare their grant application.

F.M. Richards Library in Brady will digitize the Brady Standard, from its earliest days onward, through a Tocker Foundation grant award. This award was something both the library and the publishing office were very excited to receive.

Sammy Brown Library in Carthage will digitize The Panola Watchman. This grant represents a collaboration between the Sammy Brown Library and Panola College, who worked jointly to combine their collections for the digitization project.

The Ladd and Katherine Hancher Library Foundation supports newspaper digitization for libraries with populations below 50,000. The Hancher Foundation has awarded multiple grants to local public libraries to add their newspapers to The Portal to Texas History.

The Patrick Heath Public Library in Boerne will digitize The Boerne Star, and this grant developed through another significant collaboration between the public library and the local publisher.

The Smithville Public Library has received an award to digitize historic issues of its Smithville Times in Bastrop County.

The Stephenville Public Library has been awarded a Hancher Grant to digitize two titles: The Stephenville Enterprise and The Stephenville Tribune. This grant project also represents a collaboration, between the the Stephenville Public Library and Tarleton State University-Dick Smith Library, and these newspapers will represent early Stephenville history, up to 1923.

The total awards for these libraries amount to nearly $250,000 in support of newspaper digitization and preservation. These grants demonstrate all of the best characteristics of digital preservation: collaboration, community, and support for future generations. We are very proud of all our new partner libraries from across Texas, and we’re very excited to see their newspaper issues accessible for research for future generations. Congratulations to all the new grant recipients!

Posted by & filed under General.

November 9, 2016
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recently added Collections …

Anthology: A Student Forum for Prose, Poetry, and the Visual ArtsThe Tarleton State University Anthology publishes poems, short stories, creative non-fiction, scripts, musical scores, art, sculpture, and photographs – basically anything creative that can be scanned for publication… (more).


The K.K. Legett Collection
The K.K. Legett collection contains the papers of Kirvin Kade Legett (1857-1926), and his son, Kade Bryan Legett (1889-1946). K.K. Legett came to Taylor County for the first time in 1879, where, he became one of Abilene’s leading men. He was a founder of Simmons College, now Hardin-Simmons University, and… (more).


Denton Chamber of Commerce Collection
The collection contains documents, photographs, letters, newspapers, sound recordings, home movies, and promotional films that document the Chamber’s activities from 1938-1998. The majority of these records concern a campaign… (more).


In the News
New Image of Davy Crockett Discovered in Fort Worth Museum
One afternoon last month, Dreanna Belden, the assistant dean for external relations at the University of North Texas library system, was about to leave work for the day when she noticed a voicemail message on her office telephone. The message was from a woman who claimed to have identified a photograph she had seen on UNT’s Portal to Texas History, a massive online archive of historical resources aggregated from hundreds of museums and historical associations around the state. “You have a picture on the portal that says ‘Face of a man,’” the message said. “I know who that man is, and I think you’re going to want to talk to me.” (more)
From the web
Three Questions with Ben Davis2. How have Unique Collections changed the way you approach your research, teaching or learning? 

Using the Portal has made me aware of the various types of material that can augment architectural research, for instance keyword searches have revealed valuable information buried within documents I would not have otherwise thought to search. In developing the stories associated with some of Texas’ earliest structures I was able to learn more about the people for whom they were built and in some cases… (more).

from the UNT Digital Library

[The Leon Breeden Collection]

This collection contains a series of scrapbooks and memorabilia from the collection of Leon Breeden, jazz educator and legendary director of the UNT jazz program. Breeden chaired the division and… (more).

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Posted by & filed under General.

October 27, 2016
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recently added Collections …

The Texas HistorianThis picture depicts the Hambrick Plantation, which is considered haunted by residents of the Tyler area. The Texas Historian, one of the few historical journals in the nation dedicated to publishing the work of secondary students, features plenty of stories about local haunts like this that you can’t find anywhere else. (more)


KXAS-NBC 5 News Collection
KXAS was the first television station in Texas and the Southwest when it signed on as WBAP-TV on September 27, 1948. This collection features photographs, video, and over 12,000 scripts from news broadcasts just like this one, covering a news story about four youths spending the night in a supposedly haunted abandoned house in Dallas on a bet, discovering $2,500 in cash and securities in a stack of old newspapers, and being arrested after… (more).


University Photography Collection
Drawn from the UNT Archives, this collection of photographs features images of the changing and growing University of North Texas campus.This picture depicts Bruce Hall, a UNT dorm that is known as one of a few haunted buildings on campus. (more)


From the web
Tarleton, Stephenville libraries partner to digitize historic local newspapersBy digitizing the back issues of the local newspapers, researchers, students and everyday citizens will have quick, easy access to a wealth of historical data, including genealogical records such as marriage, birth and death notices, as well as advertisements, property transactions and editorials.

Once digitized, the 1882-1992 newspapers will be housed online in the Portal to Texas History digital library, maintained by the University of North Texas. The database provides an excellent digital home for researchers, historians and… (more).


from the UNT Digital Library

[The Texas Folklore Society Collection]

You won’t have to look very far in this collection to find ghosts or ghouls.This collection of Texas Folklore Society publications contains a miscellany of Texas and Mexican folklore, including stories about folk… (more).



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1155 Union Circle #305190
Denton, TX 76203-5017

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Posted by & filed under General.

October 12, 2016
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recently added Collections …

The David S. Castle Collection
The David S. Castle Collection contains over 6,500 pages of architectural drawings and blue prints created primarily during the 1st half of the 20th century. Established in Abilene, Texas in 1915, the David S. Castle Company became an extremely successful architecture firm and was responsible for designing many building landmarks in West Texas during the… (more)


Spotlight on North Texas
“Spotlight on North Texas” was a community history project conducted by the University of North Texas Media Library and theTexas Archive of the Moving Image. In April and June of 2016, residents of Denton County were invited to participate in the preservation of North Texas’ motion picture history by bringing materials to the library for free digitization. The digitized materials contained in this collection include home movies, television news footage, and photographs. This project was… (more)


University Photography Collection
Drawn from the UNT Archives, this collection of photographs features University of North Texas football, UNT alumni and alumni events, and images of the changing and growing University of North Texas campus. (more)


From the web
Three Questions with Tyler Thompson, doctoral candidate1. How important are Unique Collections in your teaching, learning or research?

The UNT Portal to Texas History has been a crucial aspect of research throughout my academic career. I am incredibly grateful for its wealth of resources including historical newspapers, almanacs, and photographs. The website is simple to navigate and easily accessible for researchers.  As an undergraduate student, I utilized the Portal… (more)


from the UNT Digital Library

[Music Library 75th Anniversary Symposium Collection]

This stimulating array of papers and presentations was delivered at a 2016 symposium celebrating the 75th anniversary of the University of North Texas Music Library, as well as… (more)



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1155 Union Circle #305190
Denton, TX 76203-5017

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TexTreasures Grant Award

Posted by & filed under Grants, Texas Digital Newspaper Program, TexTreasures.

The UNT Libraries’ Digital Newspaper Unit has another very exciting announcement about a new grant award to add more titles to the Texas Digital Newspaper Program. The “Texas Borderland Newspaper Digitization Project” is funded through a September 2016-August 2017 grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and the Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC), as part of TSLAC’s TexTreasures competitive grants program. Through this $25,000 award, the Newspaper Unit will digitize newspapers from eighteen counties near the Texas border, comprising at least 23,000 pages and beginning in 1887.  At present, these counties either have few or no newspapers freely available on The Portal to Texas History or elsewhere. These counties stretch along southeastern Texas, near the Mexican border, and include the counties of Jim Hogg, Zapata, and Brooks, and span through border counties, including Maverick and Terrell, up to Reeves County in western Texas.  At present, the materials representing these counties on the Portal are primarily maps, with a small scattering of other, non-newspaper items. This project will allow voices to be heard from these areas that have otherwise not been represented in the context of the Portal or other freely available online newspaper resources.

It is difficult to overestimate the role a newspaper plays in representing a community’s identity. The newspapers digitized through this project span urban and rural populations who originated from many different cultural backgrounds in Mexico and Europe. Many of these newspapers will highlight the Mexican Revolution, which so many of the border communities saw first-hand and discussed within their newspapers. New inventions for settling the frontier are highlighted in the German newspapers, foreshadowing for their descendants a long-term agrarian existence in the Texas Hill Country. All of these newspapers educated early Texas settlers about how to survive in the new frontier, how the political system worked, and how the society functioned and survived. The theme within this project is to open digital access to new voices from early Texas history, and we look forward to what we may learn from them.

TexTreasures is an annual competitive grant program designed to help member libraries make their special collections more accessible to researchers across Texas and beyond.


Texas State Library and Archives Commission Logo Institute of Museum and Library Services Logo Texas Digital Newspaper Program Collection Logo